Has slavery changed hands from man to God? No! However, this may be perceived as true to many according to much of the currently practiced "religious" doctrine. Did Abraham Lincoln abolish slavery for man many years ago and Martin Luther King, Jr. come to reinforce what had been declared through the Declaration of Independence? Yes! The facts? Jesus came to offer us love, peace, freedom and no condemnation in God through the sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ for all. On the other hand, Martin Luther King, Jr. came to reinforce the freedom that had already been declared through actions of love and peace, to his death.
There are bondages of man, religion and spirit; but it's wonderful to not be bound by man, religion, or spirit so that I may be free to operate freely in the Spirit with knowledge and wisdom received directly from God! In order to find your true inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment, you must first accept the freedom that has been given to you by God and not let man bind you from that. You must accept that God is not a slave master and he doesn't posses the traits of one! God is a God of Love and freedom, without condemnation (I Corinthians 6:10-20)! Therefore, the only fear you should have of God is that of a parent, because He is your Father. However, not like that of a slave master: "Oh, if I do bad… "Massa-George (as people sometimes interpret God)" gone get me and disown me." No! Ask yourself...Who would want to be a part of a slave plantation or even claim to be a slave that has just run away from home regardless of how good the slave master treated them? And you wonder why only 4% of the world, profess to be children of God?
Accept your freedom from man (relationships, traditions of society, etc.) and religion (doctrines that practice anything other than you being completely controlled by the guidance of the Holy Spirit for your direction, life, choices, etc.). God wants and need you to be connected to Him in spirit so that His plan for you may be established on the earth (gaining right position on the battlefield)!
Check out the show: Religious Bondages ( a mental slavery) - the raw truth! www.blogtalkradio.com/quietnomore and visit my website, www.brealpublishing.com now to order the new book release, PREGNANT IN THE SPIRIT.
I'm honored to have been chosen to write this book and to share this revelation of the process of attaining your True Purpose (God's plan for your life). I received such peace, love, and freedom as I allowed the spirit to lead me from beginning to the end of this book. It has eternally changed my life and my perspective regarding my position in life, my career, my family, my choices, my faith, my relationship with God and so much more. I know now for sure that what is affordable through the knowledge of spiritual pregnancy (as the process of attaining True Purpose is described in the book), and spirit realm awareness, can not be attained nor understood unless you allow yourself to operate freely in the Spirit!
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Religious Bondages (a mental slavery) - the Raw Truth
Jesus Christ,
Martin Luther King,
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