Many women have dreams and aspirations, and as you climb the ladder to victory (the victory ladder), there are many challenges that only you and God know. Unfortunately, many women that are climbing this ladder are single and raising children. As a result, it may take this woman a little longer on one step or another, because you’re also bringing up children while climbing this victory ladder. During this period of climbing, the process is still the same with regards to the sacrifices, the possible losses, or should I say the short-term inconveniences for the long-term gains, the tests…; all necessary to get to the top of this victory ladder.
When the children were younger, it was a lot easier to deal with, because they just climbed as you climbed. If you took too long on a step, so long as you told them you were still climbing, the children were fine and continued on with excitement and anticipation. However, as your children get older, he/she begins to see: “Mom, we’ve been on this step a little long; what’s going on?” When they were younger, it just meant the longer they played around or fiddled on that step that you remained on for a while.
Sometimes, you may have a child that although they have seen the work of God as you’ve climbed that victory ladder, they now openly voice their doubt, fear, and unbelief on the ability to climb the victory ladder the rest of the way. You’re still climbing, but you now have to spend more time on a step or two as a result of the doubt, fear, and unbelief in this child. On the other hand, you may have another child that remains strong regardless of what they see, and they voice their faith, encouraging the other child to let‘s just get to the top of the victory ladder. So, you all continue to climb.
As a mom, to see the child with the doubt, fear and unbelief, may cause a little despair in your heart and you may feel helpless at times. What could you possibly do to make them believe something so intangible? You don’t even know what’s coming next. All you have is your faith. I know, because I’ve been there. “I’m trying to believe God for what He told me and I’m singing my songs of joy and here goes another distraction.” I would think to myself. “I don’t have time to deal with this right now.” “Just believe God and keep it movin’- stop worrying!” I once told my child. “Haven’t you seen God work all of the other times?” “He has NEVER failed us before, NEVER!” I had been speaking faith talk to my children all the way up the ladder. So, I couldn’t understand when we were right at the door of the breakthrough, my child could possibly feel the doubt and despair that I could see in my child’s eyes.
God had to give me wisdom on how to humble myself to hear the emotions and then minister to my child from the view point of life, then, back to spirituality. I shared with my child some of my emotions that I felt inside and then how I would deal with them from life‘s perspective and from God‘s what God instructed us to do regarding those feelings. I kept it real with my child. What was the real? I told him, “I can’t be moved on my faith at this point; I know what God said is real so when those thoughts come to mind, I have to bind them up and begin to PRAISE God!” I shared with him how one day I was singing a song that I wrote, “The joy of the Lord” because I was at a point that I was feeling so down until I thought I was going to break-down (very normal at the period of delivery). That reminds me of the day I was delivering my son and my mother-in-law said, as I was in severe pain, “I can’t believe she’s acting like that, my daughter didn’t act like that.” Scream!! Yes, I had to have her leave the room. That was the last thing I needed to hear at a time like that. Can you imagine? Well, like so, when we have any energy of doubt, fear, and unbelief on this intangible climb from anyone around us, including our children. So, I explained to him that I had to sing the praises and get into worship immediately to conquer those feelings so I would not become overwhelmed with what I was feeling.” My child was blessed and felt good to realize that we had experienced some of the same emotions, but I had handled it a little differently.
Read this poem...
I teach my children to believe in you
And as their mom, they believe in me too
They want for me to
Make this happen
Although they know it’s you
I look up to
They look to my word as bond
Although, they know
I only promise what
I feel comes from you, God
Lord, in their eyes
I see despair
A long time we’ve believed
“Believe! Believe! Believe!”
I say every day
“But Mom, when?”
“Soon, baby, soon;
I tell you, what God says,
You must know is true.”
When they were little,
It was easy for me to handle,
Because they knew of no time
And they only saw what I wanted them to see
And they just believed.
Now, their older
And they can see.
Lord, help their words and faith
Align with you and me.
By Princess-O`dilia
Woman, it’s ok. You’re not alone and God will do what He said He would through you; just keep the faith, and know that your children are growing just like you through this process. Also know that God will provide for you, if you climb the victory ladder that He set up for you (Ezekiel 2:10). Therefore, continue to teach them to have there words line up with you and God.
In the story of Mary, we notice that when the angel came to Zachariah and Zachariah had doubt in his “heart” (Luke 1:18), God thought it so serious to silence him until the manifestation of that promise (Luke 1:20). Therefore, as we notice the importance of your mouth lining up with the word of God, you must teach your children to watch their words and to keep the faith regardless of what they see in front of them. Finally, remember for all of you to PRAISE together and allow your children to keep it real with you!
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Monday, September 22, 2008
2 whom it may concern...
pregnant in the spirit,
princess odilia,
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