"Never change the rule of YOU for another, in the end YOU will only have You to contend with"... Princess-Odilia
Upfront and Naked before you, my purpose is to help people with the implementation of TOTAL fulfillment in their life. I have empathy for people who are in any type of abusive situation (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). Therefore, I will blog, form, speak, advocate on this behalf. If you are to be fulfilled, you need to be free to operate in Spirit and Truth how God planned it for your life. That means to be free from bondages of any man or Religion! Ok.... Who am I? For starters, visit me at www.brealpublishing.com, my blogs at: www.princessodilia.wordpress.com, www.princessodilia.blogspot.com and my radio show at www.blogtalkradio.com/quietnomore. Please feel free to also subscribe to my blogs - I would love to have you.
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Twitter Updates
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Run out of gifts for Jesus?
Remember who's birthday we're "supposed" to celebrating today by taking some time to write down the names of the souls that you won to God this year. Put them in the box and imagine yourself giving that to Jesus. Now, that's a great gift for the one that led the Movement to God! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ deserves an exclusive day, but for today, do the best you can by remembering the only reason He lived and died, then rose again. SOULS!
Love You! Have a great day and stay tuned for the the "Christ Day" planning, committee, and functions updates beginning in 2009! You may check out the Christmovement blog at www.christmovementbg.blogspot.com.
We must continue the Movement that Jesus began just like we do each day and an exclusive day of each year for the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The eternal vs. termporary freedom.
Coming January, you will also be able to visit the organization on-line. www.christmovement.org
Love you all!
Love You! Have a great day and stay tuned for the the "Christ Day" planning, committee, and functions updates beginning in 2009! You may check out the Christmovement blog at www.christmovementbg.blogspot.com.
We must continue the Movement that Jesus began just like we do each day and an exclusive day of each year for the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The eternal vs. termporary freedom.
Coming January, you will also be able to visit the organization on-line. www.christmovement.org
Love you all!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Are you showing signs of Depression?
I know....Sometimes it just seems like you could break at any moment. You've tried the Psychiatrist, avoided the Psychiatrist, talked to your Pastor, your group leader, or, maybe you don't think anyone could understand. Maybe, you're just choosing to deal with it your self because you feel that it's the devil just attacking you and you refuse to be, "DEFEATED"! Whatever or However you look at this situation, you are feeling depressed and it won't go away.
Do you know what's interesting? Jesus was depressed as he crossed that border to his destiny. I'll quote from my latest book, Pregnant in the Spirit, "One of the most challenging periods in the pregnancy of Jesus, just as yours will be, is the period of delivery. It gets tougher the closer you get to the end of your pregnancy. Praise God! Through the experience of Jesus, you can feel confident that you're not alone, even when you are faced with feelings of depression and fear as you near the end of your delivery period, just to name a few front-line attacks from the enemy (Matthew 26:37-39)." Jesus experienced that as well, just for you!
Another period you experience this feeling of depression is in the 1st Period when God is pruning you. Guess what else? Some things are just a part of the process and if you knew that before now, you would have probably not felt so bad up to now. Can you say, "Knowing is definitely half the battle?"
A woman for example, when going through her pregnancy, regardless of how sick she may get, she doesn't lose her cool becuase she knows that a lot of what she experiences is just "a part of the process". God has given us now a spiritual tool to reference for the processes of Transition and Turmoil in your life. It's important to know the derivative of your circumstance so that you can keep your sanity.
The majority of you are depressed because you simply, JUST DON'T KNOW what is next. You simply can't take ONE MORE THING to happen in your life. YOU can't take one more lost love.... What is going on, for real....What is going on?
9 times out of 10, your turmoil is transition and you just need to have a better understanding of the process. Hey, it's not all peaches and cream climbing to the top! You WILL without a doubt, LOSE something that your flesh didn't want to lose, or experience something that your flesh didn't want to experience, but it's all good! You're just Pregnant in the Spirit!
It's definitely an intangible process that is pretty scary to say the least. Only God knows what is next. Only God knows if you should ride the tide or fight the tide.
Typically, people are depressed as a result of loss, the unknown, life's circumstances or obstacles. Maybe if what you're experiencing is normal for where you are in Spiritual Pregnancy. This knowing may be the solution to your feeling of depression. It would give you some hope, something to look forward to. It would get your mind off of the circumstances and have you focus on the light that's at the end of the tunnel for you. Maybe the "devil" that you're binding is not the opposition, but it's God working behind the scenes, tearing down the obstacles that would hurt your elevation. The problem is, you don't see it as a hindrance, but God does, because God knows all. Just like us parents that keep our little ones from the danger they are too young to see, so does God for us.
It's ok. But you need to gain understanding of the process. So, I encourage you to get the book, "Pregnant in the Spirit" Today. Order your copy. "Pregnant in the Spirit" defines the road to TOTAL fulfillment from Conception to Manisfestation, giving answers to this intangible process. It's paralleled to natural pregnancy in a very profound and practical way. With this wisdom, you will become 100% confident of your direction and its outcome. You will come out of depression and attain the seemingly impossible for your life: eternal freedom, peace, joy, happiness, love, a deeper-more personal relationship with God, direction and understanding, spiritual freedom, and TOTAL fulfillment minus the traditional processes of man and religion.
For the lack of wisdom and knowledge of this intangible process, people generally experience a spiritual abortion (killing, avoiding, or never pursuing their True Purpose-a life of TOTAL fulfillment). Or, many experience a spiritual premature birth which ultimately results in discoragement - doubt and unbelief in what they so passionately once strongly believed.
Don't let this be you! You can come out of this phase and get to where you were destined to be in life!
I would love to hear from you: princessodilia@brealpublishing so that with the wisdom and knowledge that God has given me, I can help you through this. I could personally and confidentally help you understand where you are in this process of spiritual pregnancy. Visit me on-line at www.brealpublishing.com or email me directly at princessodilia@brealpublishing.com.
I love you all and I look foward to being of help to whoever needs it. It's ok, I've been there and I've definitely done that. So, nothing comes to my surprise and you can talk to me about anything. Talk with you soon.
Pregnant in the Spirit is on back-order and available Nationwide on-line for order at brealpublishing.com, amazon.com, borders.com, Barnes and Nobles, Baker and Taylors, STL Distribution, New Life Distribution, etc.
Do you know what's interesting? Jesus was depressed as he crossed that border to his destiny. I'll quote from my latest book, Pregnant in the Spirit, "One of the most challenging periods in the pregnancy of Jesus, just as yours will be, is the period of delivery. It gets tougher the closer you get to the end of your pregnancy. Praise God! Through the experience of Jesus, you can feel confident that you're not alone, even when you are faced with feelings of depression and fear as you near the end of your delivery period, just to name a few front-line attacks from the enemy (Matthew 26:37-39)." Jesus experienced that as well, just for you!
Another period you experience this feeling of depression is in the 1st Period when God is pruning you. Guess what else? Some things are just a part of the process and if you knew that before now, you would have probably not felt so bad up to now. Can you say, "Knowing is definitely half the battle?"
A woman for example, when going through her pregnancy, regardless of how sick she may get, she doesn't lose her cool becuase she knows that a lot of what she experiences is just "a part of the process". God has given us now a spiritual tool to reference for the processes of Transition and Turmoil in your life. It's important to know the derivative of your circumstance so that you can keep your sanity.
The majority of you are depressed because you simply, JUST DON'T KNOW what is next. You simply can't take ONE MORE THING to happen in your life. YOU can't take one more lost love.... What is going on, for real....What is going on?
9 times out of 10, your turmoil is transition and you just need to have a better understanding of the process. Hey, it's not all peaches and cream climbing to the top! You WILL without a doubt, LOSE something that your flesh didn't want to lose, or experience something that your flesh didn't want to experience, but it's all good! You're just Pregnant in the Spirit!
It's definitely an intangible process that is pretty scary to say the least. Only God knows what is next. Only God knows if you should ride the tide or fight the tide.
Typically, people are depressed as a result of loss, the unknown, life's circumstances or obstacles. Maybe if what you're experiencing is normal for where you are in Spiritual Pregnancy. This knowing may be the solution to your feeling of depression. It would give you some hope, something to look forward to. It would get your mind off of the circumstances and have you focus on the light that's at the end of the tunnel for you. Maybe the "devil" that you're binding is not the opposition, but it's God working behind the scenes, tearing down the obstacles that would hurt your elevation. The problem is, you don't see it as a hindrance, but God does, because God knows all. Just like us parents that keep our little ones from the danger they are too young to see, so does God for us.
It's ok. But you need to gain understanding of the process. So, I encourage you to get the book, "Pregnant in the Spirit" Today. Order your copy. "Pregnant in the Spirit" defines the road to TOTAL fulfillment from Conception to Manisfestation, giving answers to this intangible process. It's paralleled to natural pregnancy in a very profound and practical way. With this wisdom, you will become 100% confident of your direction and its outcome. You will come out of depression and attain the seemingly impossible for your life: eternal freedom, peace, joy, happiness, love, a deeper-more personal relationship with God, direction and understanding, spiritual freedom, and TOTAL fulfillment minus the traditional processes of man and religion.
For the lack of wisdom and knowledge of this intangible process, people generally experience a spiritual abortion (killing, avoiding, or never pursuing their True Purpose-a life of TOTAL fulfillment). Or, many experience a spiritual premature birth which ultimately results in discoragement - doubt and unbelief in what they so passionately once strongly believed.
Don't let this be you! You can come out of this phase and get to where you were destined to be in life!
I would love to hear from you: princessodilia@brealpublishing so that with the wisdom and knowledge that God has given me, I can help you through this. I could personally and confidentally help you understand where you are in this process of spiritual pregnancy. Visit me on-line at www.brealpublishing.com or email me directly at princessodilia@brealpublishing.com.
I love you all and I look foward to being of help to whoever needs it. It's ok, I've been there and I've definitely done that. So, nothing comes to my surprise and you can talk to me about anything. Talk with you soon.
Pregnant in the Spirit is on back-order and available Nationwide on-line for order at brealpublishing.com, amazon.com, borders.com, Barnes and Nobles, Baker and Taylors, STL Distribution, New Life Distribution, etc.
pregnant in the spirit,
princess odilia
Monday, November 24, 2008
How do you think the question: "Relationship or Religion?" relate to "Pregnant in the Spirit"?
A. To be Religious, you see God through the boundaries of the Religion. For example, if God leads you to go left or right and it doesn't coincide with your religious boundaries, you are likely to disobey the direction of God for the sake of the religion. Although this may not be your intent, this is very likely. Often times, you feel that you are in the will of God so long as you are operating within the boundaries of the religion or doing as your Pastor or Leader instructs you to do. To accomplish this intangible process of spiritual pregnancy, you must be willing to be controlled by the Spirit and not Man.
Hint: God's way is not man's way and often times His direction is only clear to you. As you begin to lean more on God, you will come to trust Him more and you will see the fruit of your obedience. Jesus completed His mission here because He was "completely" controlled by the Holy Spirit! He was "completely" controlled by the Holy Spirit! He walked on water, knew all things, did the impossible, the out-the-box, and lived and died the way He did because of the "Holy Spirit". He operated in the power of God - what do you think you must do?
If you are bound by religion or the ways of man, there is no way you can possibly reach the point of fulfillment in your life that God pre-planned for you....it is impossible!
When I began writing "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was slightly Religious. When I completed "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was totally free from Religion and I had an exceptional relationship with God that I never could have imagined! What happened? What did God have to say as He used my mind, seperated me from the world and completely inspired me to write about this profound process called spiritual pregnancy?
He gives wisdom of this process from Conception to Manisfestation attainable without religion, condemnation, bondages or traditions of "any" man. This process that everyone desires rather knowingly or not yields a life of peace, freedom inside and out, love, and fulfillment in every area of your life. This process yields you the relationship that God desires for you to have with Him so that He can give you a life of fulfillment by sharing His infinate power, revelation, knowledge, wisdom, peace, love and most importantly giving you freedom for your life. As a result of this process, you become the spiritual being with infinite ability and you conquer the world, including life's obstacles through the Spirit!
I love you all!!
PREGNANT IN THE SPIRIT is on back order, so order your book today! The date for release was pushed back to December 22.
It is available on-line for order Nationwide - Barnes and Nobles, Borders, Amazon, STL Distribution, New Life Distribution, Target, Walmart!
Hint: God's way is not man's way and often times His direction is only clear to you. As you begin to lean more on God, you will come to trust Him more and you will see the fruit of your obedience. Jesus completed His mission here because He was "completely" controlled by the Holy Spirit! He was "completely" controlled by the Holy Spirit! He walked on water, knew all things, did the impossible, the out-the-box, and lived and died the way He did because of the "Holy Spirit". He operated in the power of God - what do you think you must do?
If you are bound by religion or the ways of man, there is no way you can possibly reach the point of fulfillment in your life that God pre-planned for you....it is impossible!
When I began writing "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was slightly Religious. When I completed "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was totally free from Religion and I had an exceptional relationship with God that I never could have imagined! What happened? What did God have to say as He used my mind, seperated me from the world and completely inspired me to write about this profound process called spiritual pregnancy?
He gives wisdom of this process from Conception to Manisfestation attainable without religion, condemnation, bondages or traditions of "any" man. This process that everyone desires rather knowingly or not yields a life of peace, freedom inside and out, love, and fulfillment in every area of your life. This process yields you the relationship that God desires for you to have with Him so that He can give you a life of fulfillment by sharing His infinate power, revelation, knowledge, wisdom, peace, love and most importantly giving you freedom for your life. As a result of this process, you become the spiritual being with infinite ability and you conquer the world, including life's obstacles through the Spirit!
I love you all!!
PREGNANT IN THE SPIRIT is on back order, so order your book today! The date for release was pushed back to December 22.
It is available on-line for order Nationwide - Barnes and Nobles, Borders, Amazon, STL Distribution, New Life Distribution, Target, Walmart!
pregnant in the spirit,
princess odilia
Monday, September 22, 2008
2 whom it may concern...
Many women have dreams and aspirations, and as you climb the ladder to victory (the victory ladder), there are many challenges that only you and God know. Unfortunately, many women that are climbing this ladder are single and raising children. As a result, it may take this woman a little longer on one step or another, because you’re also bringing up children while climbing this victory ladder. During this period of climbing, the process is still the same with regards to the sacrifices, the possible losses, or should I say the short-term inconveniences for the long-term gains, the tests…; all necessary to get to the top of this victory ladder.
When the children were younger, it was a lot easier to deal with, because they just climbed as you climbed. If you took too long on a step, so long as you told them you were still climbing, the children were fine and continued on with excitement and anticipation. However, as your children get older, he/she begins to see: “Mom, we’ve been on this step a little long; what’s going on?” When they were younger, it just meant the longer they played around or fiddled on that step that you remained on for a while.
Sometimes, you may have a child that although they have seen the work of God as you’ve climbed that victory ladder, they now openly voice their doubt, fear, and unbelief on the ability to climb the victory ladder the rest of the way. You’re still climbing, but you now have to spend more time on a step or two as a result of the doubt, fear, and unbelief in this child. On the other hand, you may have another child that remains strong regardless of what they see, and they voice their faith, encouraging the other child to let‘s just get to the top of the victory ladder. So, you all continue to climb.
As a mom, to see the child with the doubt, fear and unbelief, may cause a little despair in your heart and you may feel helpless at times. What could you possibly do to make them believe something so intangible? You don’t even know what’s coming next. All you have is your faith. I know, because I’ve been there. “I’m trying to believe God for what He told me and I’m singing my songs of joy and here goes another distraction.” I would think to myself. “I don’t have time to deal with this right now.” “Just believe God and keep it movin’- stop worrying!” I once told my child. “Haven’t you seen God work all of the other times?” “He has NEVER failed us before, NEVER!” I had been speaking faith talk to my children all the way up the ladder. So, I couldn’t understand when we were right at the door of the breakthrough, my child could possibly feel the doubt and despair that I could see in my child’s eyes.
God had to give me wisdom on how to humble myself to hear the emotions and then minister to my child from the view point of life, then, back to spirituality. I shared with my child some of my emotions that I felt inside and then how I would deal with them from life‘s perspective and from God‘s what God instructed us to do regarding those feelings. I kept it real with my child. What was the real? I told him, “I can’t be moved on my faith at this point; I know what God said is real so when those thoughts come to mind, I have to bind them up and begin to PRAISE God!” I shared with him how one day I was singing a song that I wrote, “The joy of the Lord” because I was at a point that I was feeling so down until I thought I was going to break-down (very normal at the period of delivery). That reminds me of the day I was delivering my son and my mother-in-law said, as I was in severe pain, “I can’t believe she’s acting like that, my daughter didn’t act like that.” Scream!! Yes, I had to have her leave the room. That was the last thing I needed to hear at a time like that. Can you imagine? Well, like so, when we have any energy of doubt, fear, and unbelief on this intangible climb from anyone around us, including our children. So, I explained to him that I had to sing the praises and get into worship immediately to conquer those feelings so I would not become overwhelmed with what I was feeling.” My child was blessed and felt good to realize that we had experienced some of the same emotions, but I had handled it a little differently.
Read this poem...
I teach my children to believe in you
And as their mom, they believe in me too
They want for me to
Make this happen
Although they know it’s you
I look up to
They look to my word as bond
Although, they know
I only promise what
I feel comes from you, God
Lord, in their eyes
I see despair
A long time we’ve believed
“Believe! Believe! Believe!”
I say every day
“But Mom, when?”
“Soon, baby, soon;
I tell you, what God says,
You must know is true.”
When they were little,
It was easy for me to handle,
Because they knew of no time
And they only saw what I wanted them to see
And they just believed.
Now, their older
And they can see.
Lord, help their words and faith
Align with you and me.
By Princess-O`dilia
Woman, it’s ok. You’re not alone and God will do what He said He would through you; just keep the faith, and know that your children are growing just like you through this process. Also know that God will provide for you, if you climb the victory ladder that He set up for you (Ezekiel 2:10). Therefore, continue to teach them to have there words line up with you and God.
In the story of Mary, we notice that when the angel came to Zachariah and Zachariah had doubt in his “heart” (Luke 1:18), God thought it so serious to silence him until the manifestation of that promise (Luke 1:20). Therefore, as we notice the importance of your mouth lining up with the word of God, you must teach your children to watch their words and to keep the faith regardless of what they see in front of them. Finally, remember for all of you to PRAISE together and allow your children to keep it real with you!
Many women have dreams and aspirations, and as you climb the ladder to victory (the victory ladder), there are many challenges that only you and God know. Unfortunately, many women that are climbing this ladder are single and raising children. As a result, it may take this woman a little longer on one step or another, because you’re also bringing up children while climbing this victory ladder. During this period of climbing, the process is still the same with regards to the sacrifices, the possible losses, or should I say the short-term inconveniences for the long-term gains, the tests…; all necessary to get to the top of this victory ladder.
When the children were younger, it was a lot easier to deal with, because they just climbed as you climbed. If you took too long on a step, so long as you told them you were still climbing, the children were fine and continued on with excitement and anticipation. However, as your children get older, he/she begins to see: “Mom, we’ve been on this step a little long; what’s going on?” When they were younger, it just meant the longer they played around or fiddled on that step that you remained on for a while.
Sometimes, you may have a child that although they have seen the work of God as you’ve climbed that victory ladder, they now openly voice their doubt, fear, and unbelief on the ability to climb the victory ladder the rest of the way. You’re still climbing, but you now have to spend more time on a step or two as a result of the doubt, fear, and unbelief in this child. On the other hand, you may have another child that remains strong regardless of what they see, and they voice their faith, encouraging the other child to let‘s just get to the top of the victory ladder. So, you all continue to climb.
As a mom, to see the child with the doubt, fear and unbelief, may cause a little despair in your heart and you may feel helpless at times. What could you possibly do to make them believe something so intangible? You don’t even know what’s coming next. All you have is your faith. I know, because I’ve been there. “I’m trying to believe God for what He told me and I’m singing my songs of joy and here goes another distraction.” I would think to myself. “I don’t have time to deal with this right now.” “Just believe God and keep it movin’- stop worrying!” I once told my child. “Haven’t you seen God work all of the other times?” “He has NEVER failed us before, NEVER!” I had been speaking faith talk to my children all the way up the ladder. So, I couldn’t understand when we were right at the door of the breakthrough, my child could possibly feel the doubt and despair that I could see in my child’s eyes.
God had to give me wisdom on how to humble myself to hear the emotions and then minister to my child from the view point of life, then, back to spirituality. I shared with my child some of my emotions that I felt inside and then how I would deal with them from life‘s perspective and from God‘s what God instructed us to do regarding those feelings. I kept it real with my child. What was the real? I told him, “I can’t be moved on my faith at this point; I know what God said is real so when those thoughts come to mind, I have to bind them up and begin to PRAISE God!” I shared with him how one day I was singing a song that I wrote, “The joy of the Lord” because I was at a point that I was feeling so down until I thought I was going to break-down (very normal at the period of delivery). That reminds me of the day I was delivering my son and my mother-in-law said, as I was in severe pain, “I can’t believe she’s acting like that, my daughter didn’t act like that.” Scream!! Yes, I had to have her leave the room. That was the last thing I needed to hear at a time like that. Can you imagine? Well, like so, when we have any energy of doubt, fear, and unbelief on this intangible climb from anyone around us, including our children. So, I explained to him that I had to sing the praises and get into worship immediately to conquer those feelings so I would not become overwhelmed with what I was feeling.” My child was blessed and felt good to realize that we had experienced some of the same emotions, but I had handled it a little differently.
Read this poem...
I teach my children to believe in you
And as their mom, they believe in me too
They want for me to
Make this happen
Although they know it’s you
I look up to
They look to my word as bond
Although, they know
I only promise what
I feel comes from you, God
Lord, in their eyes
I see despair
A long time we’ve believed
“Believe! Believe! Believe!”
I say every day
“But Mom, when?”
“Soon, baby, soon;
I tell you, what God says,
You must know is true.”
When they were little,
It was easy for me to handle,
Because they knew of no time
And they only saw what I wanted them to see
And they just believed.
Now, their older
And they can see.
Lord, help their words and faith
Align with you and me.
By Princess-O`dilia
Woman, it’s ok. You’re not alone and God will do what He said He would through you; just keep the faith, and know that your children are growing just like you through this process. Also know that God will provide for you, if you climb the victory ladder that He set up for you (Ezekiel 2:10). Therefore, continue to teach them to have there words line up with you and God.
In the story of Mary, we notice that when the angel came to Zachariah and Zachariah had doubt in his “heart” (Luke 1:18), God thought it so serious to silence him until the manifestation of that promise (Luke 1:20). Therefore, as we notice the importance of your mouth lining up with the word of God, you must teach your children to watch their words and to keep the faith regardless of what they see in front of them. Finally, remember for all of you to PRAISE together and allow your children to keep it real with you!
pregnant in the spirit,
princess odilia,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Religious Bondages (a mental slavery) - the Raw Truth
Has slavery changed hands from man to God? No! However, this may be perceived as true to many according to much of the currently practiced "religious" doctrine. Did Abraham Lincoln abolish slavery for man many years ago and Martin Luther King, Jr. come to reinforce what had been declared through the Declaration of Independence? Yes! The facts? Jesus came to offer us love, peace, freedom and no condemnation in God through the sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ for all. On the other hand, Martin Luther King, Jr. came to reinforce the freedom that had already been declared through actions of love and peace, to his death.
There are bondages of man, religion and spirit; but it's wonderful to not be bound by man, religion, or spirit so that I may be free to operate freely in the Spirit with knowledge and wisdom received directly from God! In order to find your true inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment, you must first accept the freedom that has been given to you by God and not let man bind you from that. You must accept that God is not a slave master and he doesn't posses the traits of one! God is a God of Love and freedom, without condemnation (I Corinthians 6:10-20)! Therefore, the only fear you should have of God is that of a parent, because He is your Father. However, not like that of a slave master: "Oh, if I do bad… "Massa-George (as people sometimes interpret God)" gone get me and disown me." No! Ask yourself...Who would want to be a part of a slave plantation or even claim to be a slave that has just run away from home regardless of how good the slave master treated them? And you wonder why only 4% of the world, profess to be children of God?
Accept your freedom from man (relationships, traditions of society, etc.) and religion (doctrines that practice anything other than you being completely controlled by the guidance of the Holy Spirit for your direction, life, choices, etc.). God wants and need you to be connected to Him in spirit so that His plan for you may be established on the earth (gaining right position on the battlefield)!
Check out the show: Religious Bondages ( a mental slavery) - the raw truth! www.blogtalkradio.com/quietnomore and visit my website, www.brealpublishing.com now to order the new book release, PREGNANT IN THE SPIRIT.
I'm honored to have been chosen to write this book and to share this revelation of the process of attaining your True Purpose (God's plan for your life). I received such peace, love, and freedom as I allowed the spirit to lead me from beginning to the end of this book. It has eternally changed my life and my perspective regarding my position in life, my career, my family, my choices, my faith, my relationship with God and so much more. I know now for sure that what is affordable through the knowledge of spiritual pregnancy (as the process of attaining True Purpose is described in the book), and spirit realm awareness, can not be attained nor understood unless you allow yourself to operate freely in the Spirit!
There are bondages of man, religion and spirit; but it's wonderful to not be bound by man, religion, or spirit so that I may be free to operate freely in the Spirit with knowledge and wisdom received directly from God! In order to find your true inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment, you must first accept the freedom that has been given to you by God and not let man bind you from that. You must accept that God is not a slave master and he doesn't posses the traits of one! God is a God of Love and freedom, without condemnation (I Corinthians 6:10-20)! Therefore, the only fear you should have of God is that of a parent, because He is your Father. However, not like that of a slave master: "Oh, if I do bad… "Massa-George (as people sometimes interpret God)" gone get me and disown me." No! Ask yourself...Who would want to be a part of a slave plantation or even claim to be a slave that has just run away from home regardless of how good the slave master treated them? And you wonder why only 4% of the world, profess to be children of God?
Accept your freedom from man (relationships, traditions of society, etc.) and religion (doctrines that practice anything other than you being completely controlled by the guidance of the Holy Spirit for your direction, life, choices, etc.). God wants and need you to be connected to Him in spirit so that His plan for you may be established on the earth (gaining right position on the battlefield)!
Check out the show: Religious Bondages ( a mental slavery) - the raw truth! www.blogtalkradio.com/quietnomore and visit my website, www.brealpublishing.com now to order the new book release, PREGNANT IN THE SPIRIT.
I'm honored to have been chosen to write this book and to share this revelation of the process of attaining your True Purpose (God's plan for your life). I received such peace, love, and freedom as I allowed the spirit to lead me from beginning to the end of this book. It has eternally changed my life and my perspective regarding my position in life, my career, my family, my choices, my faith, my relationship with God and so much more. I know now for sure that what is affordable through the knowledge of spiritual pregnancy (as the process of attaining True Purpose is described in the book), and spirit realm awareness, can not be attained nor understood unless you allow yourself to operate freely in the Spirit!
Jesus Christ,
Martin Luther King,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
How do you know that it's God talking to you?
Today on Quiet No More (www.blogtalkradio.com/quietnomore), I continued the topic, "How to hear from God regarding His purpose for you!" The show was AWESOME, as the Holy Spirit led me to minister this word.
Many are experiencing spiritual pregnancy. In this pregnancy, you are required to rely on the voice of the Lord (the Holy Spirit) for your instruction through this process. The enemy is aware of this necessity; therefore, he will try to confuse you, have you questioning your ability, scared to make a move for fear you'll make the wrong move, and in so many other ways he'll attack your confidence-your faith in God's promise to you. How many of you know that God is NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION (I Corinthians 14:33)?! Read this quote from my latest book, "Pregnant in the Spirit",
"Due to the necessity for you to rely completely on the Holy Spirit during this walk (the “voice” of the Lord), the enemy will try to attack your mind with confusion, as well as doubt, fear, and unbelief. The devil will place doubts in your mind regarding your intellect and your ability, etc. However, you let the devil know that, it’s not by your might, but by God’s might that you operate (Zachariah 4:6)! You let the enemy know that you are completely controlled by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:4-5, Galations 5:16) and God is your strength (Psalms 18:32; 27:1; 28:7). Let him know that God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33).
The American Heritage Dictionary defines confuse (the root of confusion) as: 1) To cause to be unable to think with clarity, or act with intelligence or understanding…2c) To assemble without order or sense; jumble. Ok, being that our Father God is all knowing, omnipotent, and with all power, confusion is contrary to who God is. God is not ignorant, short of intellect, understanding or clarity, unorganized or jumbled. Therefore, considering that you are operating under the power of the Holy Spirit (His power, His knowing, His guidance, His might), confusion has no place in your mind! The enemy has NO POWER! Glory to God!
Pray this prayer:
I take authority as God has given me in Mathew 18:18, that whatsoever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Satan, according to Mathew 18:18, I bind you and your worker, confusion up in the name of Jesus! According to Mathew 18:18, I loose the spirit of God in me NOW according to Jeremiah 51:15! In the Name of Jesus, I cast the spirit of confusion into the abyss NOW!
Now praise God for giving you the attributes of the Holy Spirit! Worship God for He is all power, all knowing and He is an Awesome God!"
Unlike natural pregnancy, spiritual pregnancy is intangible. Therefore, we are completely dependant upon guidance in the spirit realm. Only God knows the next move. If Satan can confuse you by the voice that you hear, he can ultimately cause you to question what you "believe" God has promised (God's Purpose) to come forth in your life. For example, if you believed strongly that God told you something to do, but you later find out it wasn't God, it was Satan, you can really get discouraged. Too many times of this happening, you may just decide to abort the "God's Purpose" in your life (spiritual pregnancy abortion). That's Satan's objective! Can we say, "Through Christ, I am more than a conquer (Romans 8:37)?!" I love the Translation Version of John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]. Glory to God!!
To minimize the ability for Satan to defeat you in this area, is to take the example that Jesus left for us in Mathew 4:2. From this example, we know that we must prep ourselves by abiding in God: His presence, His worship, His authority, His written Word!
Jesus was led to the wilderness by the "Holy Spirit" to be tempted by the enemy (Mathew 4:3-11). I need you to not overlook that according to the Word of God, prior to this temptation, Jesus had consecrated for 40 days and 40 nights. Therefore, He had abided in the Lord for 40 days and 40 nights - Glory to God! This also made Jesus sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. However, the enemy came to Him with temptation of what Jesus already knew He was and was capable of through the authority of God (Mathew 4:3, 5-6, 8-9; Luke 4:1). Additionally, the enemy came with the Word of God (Mathew 4:6). Jesus, however, knew that this was not the voice of the Lord, but it was the voice of the enemy! How do you think He knew this? He was consecrated; thereby, prepared for such an attack from the enemy!
Let's not get it twisted, you must abide in the Lord so that you can be prepared for the enemies' attack - the "seducing spirit" that Satan will present to confuse you in your mind or in the physical. Beware! Everybody that is speaking the Word of God is not of God! You may even be presented with what you know God has promised you. You must yet seek the Holy Spirit for assurance that it's Him speaking or presenting to you. We must be careful that we do not fall prey to this seducing spirit (I Timothy 4:1)! If you are not consecrated; however, you are very likely to fall prey!
3 keys to establish a more sensitive spirit to the Holy Spirit (the voice of God):
- Pray always in the Spirit (This is a crucial key on the battlefield)
- Spend time in the word of God daily
- Spend time talking to God (the Holy Spirit) daily
Tune in right now to hear Part 2 of: "How to hear from God regarding His purpose for you!"
Many are experiencing spiritual pregnancy. In this pregnancy, you are required to rely on the voice of the Lord (the Holy Spirit) for your instruction through this process. The enemy is aware of this necessity; therefore, he will try to confuse you, have you questioning your ability, scared to make a move for fear you'll make the wrong move, and in so many other ways he'll attack your confidence-your faith in God's promise to you. How many of you know that God is NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION (I Corinthians 14:33)?! Read this quote from my latest book, "Pregnant in the Spirit",
"Due to the necessity for you to rely completely on the Holy Spirit during this walk (the “voice” of the Lord), the enemy will try to attack your mind with confusion, as well as doubt, fear, and unbelief. The devil will place doubts in your mind regarding your intellect and your ability, etc. However, you let the devil know that, it’s not by your might, but by God’s might that you operate (Zachariah 4:6)! You let the enemy know that you are completely controlled by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:4-5, Galations 5:16) and God is your strength (Psalms 18:32; 27:1; 28:7). Let him know that God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33).
The American Heritage Dictionary defines confuse (the root of confusion) as: 1) To cause to be unable to think with clarity, or act with intelligence or understanding…2c) To assemble without order or sense; jumble. Ok, being that our Father God is all knowing, omnipotent, and with all power, confusion is contrary to who God is. God is not ignorant, short of intellect, understanding or clarity, unorganized or jumbled. Therefore, considering that you are operating under the power of the Holy Spirit (His power, His knowing, His guidance, His might), confusion has no place in your mind! The enemy has NO POWER! Glory to God!
Pray this prayer:
I take authority as God has given me in Mathew 18:18, that whatsoever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Satan, according to Mathew 18:18, I bind you and your worker, confusion up in the name of Jesus! According to Mathew 18:18, I loose the spirit of God in me NOW according to Jeremiah 51:15! In the Name of Jesus, I cast the spirit of confusion into the abyss NOW!
Now praise God for giving you the attributes of the Holy Spirit! Worship God for He is all power, all knowing and He is an Awesome God!"
Unlike natural pregnancy, spiritual pregnancy is intangible. Therefore, we are completely dependant upon guidance in the spirit realm. Only God knows the next move. If Satan can confuse you by the voice that you hear, he can ultimately cause you to question what you "believe" God has promised (God's Purpose) to come forth in your life. For example, if you believed strongly that God told you something to do, but you later find out it wasn't God, it was Satan, you can really get discouraged. Too many times of this happening, you may just decide to abort the "God's Purpose" in your life (spiritual pregnancy abortion). That's Satan's objective! Can we say, "Through Christ, I am more than a conquer (Romans 8:37)?!" I love the Translation Version of John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]. Glory to God!!
To minimize the ability for Satan to defeat you in this area, is to take the example that Jesus left for us in Mathew 4:2. From this example, we know that we must prep ourselves by abiding in God: His presence, His worship, His authority, His written Word!
Jesus was led to the wilderness by the "Holy Spirit" to be tempted by the enemy (Mathew 4:3-11). I need you to not overlook that according to the Word of God, prior to this temptation, Jesus had consecrated for 40 days and 40 nights. Therefore, He had abided in the Lord for 40 days and 40 nights - Glory to God! This also made Jesus sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. However, the enemy came to Him with temptation of what Jesus already knew He was and was capable of through the authority of God (Mathew 4:3, 5-6, 8-9; Luke 4:1). Additionally, the enemy came with the Word of God (Mathew 4:6). Jesus, however, knew that this was not the voice of the Lord, but it was the voice of the enemy! How do you think He knew this? He was consecrated; thereby, prepared for such an attack from the enemy!
Let's not get it twisted, you must abide in the Lord so that you can be prepared for the enemies' attack - the "seducing spirit" that Satan will present to confuse you in your mind or in the physical. Beware! Everybody that is speaking the Word of God is not of God! You may even be presented with what you know God has promised you. You must yet seek the Holy Spirit for assurance that it's Him speaking or presenting to you. We must be careful that we do not fall prey to this seducing spirit (I Timothy 4:1)! If you are not consecrated; however, you are very likely to fall prey!
3 keys to establish a more sensitive spirit to the Holy Spirit (the voice of God):
- Pray always in the Spirit (This is a crucial key on the battlefield)
- Spend time in the word of God daily
- Spend time talking to God (the Holy Spirit) daily
Tune in right now to hear Part 2 of: "How to hear from God regarding His purpose for you!"
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