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    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    Live Blog! Spirituality (Relationship) or Religion


    Most religious people see God through the boundaries of the Religion because that's how they learned of God. Consequently, to be conformed as it relates to most religions, it's merely impossible to be free to follow your Spirit. Unfortunately, as a result of the religious doctrine the Spirit of God-the Holy Spirit in you that wishes to operate through you, many are likely to disobey. Although this may not be the intent, this is the reality. Often times, the religious feel that as long as their in accordance with the religious boundaries and doctrine, doing as the Pastor or Leader instructs, that their in right gear for their life or in right standing with God. That's not exactly the case. God, the Father of Love, the Father of Peace, the Father of Power (the Higher Power), the Omnipotent, is not restricted and definitely not devised, such as Religion. God is not that complicated, really....God isn't.

    Hint: God's way is not man's way and often times God's direction for "you" is only clear to "you" when you are on the intangible journey to TOTAL fulfillment. As you begin to lean more on God, you will come to trust your Spirit more and you will see the fruit of your obedience to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Think for a moment, although contrary to what many may believe: Jesus was created (born) to live as an example for us. Jesus completed His mission here because He was "completely" inspired by the Holy Spirit! Again, He was "completely" inspired by the Holy Spirit! He walked on water, knew all things, did the impossible, the out-the-box, and lived and died the way He did, due to the inspiration of the "Holy Spirit". He operated in the power of God - what do you think you must do?

    If you are bound by Religion or the traditional processes of man, there is no way you can possibly reach the point of TOTAL fulfillment in your life that God pre-planned for you....it is impossible! Regardless of what foundation you have to God, you should be free to operate in Spirit and in Truth.

    When I began writing "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was slightly religious. When I completed "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was totally free from Religion and I had an exceptional relationship with God that I never could have imagined! What happened? What did God have to say as He used my mind, separated me from the world and completely inspired me to write about this profound process called spiritual pregnancy?

    Through me, God gives a profound insight of this intangible journey - process from Conception to Manifestation, attainable without religion, condemnation, bondages or the traditional process of man. This process that everyone desires rather knowingly or not yields a life of peace, freedom inside and out, love, TOTAL fulfillment in every area of your life and 100% confidence about your direction and its outcome.

    God desires for you to be spiritually in-sink with Him so that He can give you a life of fulfillment by sharing His infinite power, revelation, knowledge, wisdom, peace, love and most importantly giving you freedom for your life. As a result of this process, you become the spiritual being with infinite ability and you conquer the world, including life's obstacles through the inspiration of Spirit!
    I love you all!!

    Pregnant in the Spirit is Available Nationwide and on backorder! Order your copy today on-line at: www.brealpublishing.com, www.amazon.com, www.borders.com, www.stl-distribution.com, www.barnesandnoble.com.

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    Freedom? Are you really free to birth your life of Purpose?

    Freedom...Are you really free? To accomplish the process of spiritual pregnancy you must first be Spiritually FREE! Without this freedom, it is merely impossible to attain this life of TOTAL fulfillment that all seek! To experience the profound expression of love is also to accomplishment the process of spiritual pregnancy. Only possible if you're FREE to be inspired and guided by God's Spirit within you! You must be willing and FREE to take God out-of-the-box!!! What does this mean? Do you think that you already know God? Ok....Are you TOTALLY fulfilled? If not, you more than likely have God-in-a-box! Tune in to receive clarity, understanding, peace and confidence of your life's direction and outcome through Spiritual Freedom!