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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It Goes Without Saying...
Religious Segregation is more lethal to our world than an atomic bomb! It is the distributer of hatred, judgment, and the cause of many spiritual and physical deaths. God is the aim in most Religions, but for many, Jesus is not. Some Religions deny the concept of needing to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior as a prerequisite to God. Others don't consider Jesus as God, but rather as a prophet, or for some He’s considered as a fairy tale in a book. Within the Christian Faith, to consider someone that doesn’t accept Jesus as their God or to not accept Jesus Christ verbally as a confession is not acknowledged as a child of God. Ironically enough, God's children are encompassed in all Religions. For those that never considered to acknowledge Jesus as a part of your spiritual family, consider this...and for those of you that choose not to consider anyone that doesn't confess Jesus Christ the way you may have, as apart of the God head, consider this...
Consider this: Not accepting that Jesus Christ is a leader in the Movement to God and striving for a personal relationship with God is like being against racial segregation and not signing up on Dr. Martin Luther King’s Team for the Movement against segregation and not accepting that God appointed him as the Leader over that Movement.
To accept Jesus Christ is to accept the power of God, the love of God, the ability of God, and the freedom given by God through the sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ as a powerful truth. To accept what God did through the birth, life, and sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ is to accept what He can do through you! Jesus is one of our prime examples of living life with purpose and there is more to His life than the birth, the death, and the ressurection to be acknowledged. Their is a strong message in the life of Purpose that Jesus Christ lived as He strived to do as God had predestined of Him.
What is the difference between the “begotten Son and the adopted child”?
Jesus Christ is the begotten Son because He is the only child that God took of Spirit and joined with flesh to create a spiritual-being. The rest of us were born of a fleshly union. Aside this, there is no difference! We are to honor and respect our brother for what He did for us. Jesus carried out His mission and we should honor and respect Him for that great sacrifice and live our lives as an example of our Father as Jesus did! God–the Father of Truth, Love and Freedom wants us never to forget what Jesus did for us. God wants us to accept the power of the Holy Spirit and continue the mission that Jesus started. By this we can also live a life of fulfillment and encourage others to do the same.
I believe that the Purpose of the sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ was to redeem us a life of spiritual freedom (re-establishing our direct relationship with God), providing us a living example of how to live a life of Purpose, of love, and showing us the infinite possibilities of Self through the power of God that is within each and everyone us. To accept Jesus Christ is to acknowledge that He is the leader of the mission to Purpose -the movement to God. Guess what? He definitely paid the price for that!
Do you accept the mission of Dr. Martin Luther King? Although the sacrifice that he made for the freedom for all was most honorable, it is not eternal! Are you a follower of the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? The dream he had for equality, freedom, love, and peace for all? How many believe that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was guided by the Holy Spirit?
Jesus gave us the opportunity for eternal freedom, love, peace and a life of fulfillment! Jesus spread the message of God! If you believe in God, the Almighty, the Creator, the Omnipotent, the Powerful, the Faithful, the Father of Truth, Love, and Freedom, you believe as Jesus did and you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus also operated through the power of God and honored God for all that He did while He was here on earth.
Now why not acknowledge that you believe that Jesus, your spiritual brother died for your freedom through the power of God? In fact, it sort of goes without saying... So, continue to work towards the Purpose that was predestined for you as you glorify God in that fulfillment, just as Jesus did and it will make God so happy.
God wants no division amongst His children...
Not accepting Jesus Christ a member of your spiritual family (God's child like you and I) is like not accepting one of the siblings in your family here on earth. To accept Jesus Christ is to accept the power of His existence and the love that He had for us enough to carry out the Purpose for which He was created. His demonstration of lifestyle shows that the “apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” as He demonstrated unconditional love for us. He was a replicate of Father God –our Father just as we should be to all those around us. Let’s all acknowledge Jesus Christ as our most Honorable Brother, our Savior and get to know God, our Father the way Jesus got to know God through the Spirit of God from within. God wants unity and that has been demonstrated through the lives of many here on earth as He gave them the courage and ability to sacrifice for the well-being, freedom, and opportunity of others.
Can we say, “It’s a family affair?”
God shows no favoritism
Consider a family who adopted a few children and they had a few children of their own. If the parents of these children decided to treat the adopted children different from the ones that were conceived between their fleshly union, people would consider that to be unfair. One may wonder, “Why did they even adopt the children?” The adopted parents are expected to love all of the children the same.
The parents are expected not to have any favoritism between the children. Yes, the parents will always know that there is a natural bond between the ones birthed, but there should never be a difference in the way the children are treated. How would it be if the parents sent the birthed children to an elite private school and they sent the adopted children to an average public school? Insane? Do you think God is like this parent? Imagine God saying, “I’ll work the impossible through Jesus Christ and you all can figure it out for yourselves.” Could you imagine God to love or treat His children differently? Not the God I know.
I want you all to see that to not recognize the sacrifice and the power that was demonstrated through the life of Jesus Christ, is to not possibly realize the power and ability that God desires to do in your life. He will not show favoritism between His children! The same love, power and ability God showed through Jesus is in you! How much do you believe?
What is the saying?...
Don't Let The Dream Die!
As we continue to uphold the mission of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of freedom and togetherness as one people, for as long as we live in this world; like so should we uphold the mission of Jesus Christ for spiritual equality, eternal freedom, peace, joy, and fulfillment all attainable through the power of God in you (the Holy Spirit). Let’s strive for the “personal relationship” with God.
I believe if Jesus Christ had a dream, it would be that all people would love one another, we’d come together as one, we’d stop judging, there would be no religious bondage, we’d understand that there is no condemnation, and we’d recognize that it’s all about God’s plan being accomplished in our lives. The Purpose for our existence - the predestined plan. Finally, we’d then recognize the true meaning of the Jesus Christ Movement: love and freedom without judgment and condemnation that is provided through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives!
I love you all!
Copyright 2009 by Princess-O`dilia
Published by Relijournal 4/10/09 Edition
(This version for this Blog is the latest version and has been edited by the Author as the transformation continues.)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Dawn of A New Day...
Today, wherever you turn there is a loud call for direction. In the year 2002, the book, “A Purpose Driven Life” was published and millions all over the world ran to discover the revelation of living life with “PURPOSE”. “Wow!” “I have a reason for being!” “I have a reason for existing in this world of naught!” I remember hearing from so many people. In the year 2005 Eckhart Tolle published the book, “A New Earth” and the legendary Talk Show Host Oprah Winfrey, brought the philosophy of Eckhart Tolle to the attention of the world. Again, millions of copies sold as people long to discover peace, find hope, a new direction and to discover the POWER of “SELF”! Discover! Discover! Discover! The questions grow….Who are YOU? What are YOU? Why are YOU here? and How do YOU find PURPOSE?
Eckhart Tolle encourages us to discover the power of our being with Purpose as spiritual -beings by recognizing the power in “SELF”. For some, this message of SELF is derogatory towards the traditional concept of the higher being that works all power and we to follow or to be submissive to that higher power with regulations and mandates to justify our existence. On the other hand, there are a peculiar people that choose to realize the call and necessity to discover SELF as the subject matter of POWER and LOVE and choose to operate as that spiritual-being expounding on SELF to derive PURPOSE.
As God evolves an evolution of change and works to bring all of us together as a people, it requires for all of us to denounce SELF as we have interpreted SELF for centuries. It’s now required for us to ignite a generation, a peculiar people to work in a profound since of POWER and LOVE that will bring us directly to the PURPOSE that we seek through the discovery of SELF.
The reason for our existence is more than life itself. It is more to life than any entity of religion or institution of education could ever define. Just as Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and Martin Luther King, just to name a few that explored and succeeded PURPOSE (I’ll even go back as far as 1000’s of years ago from a story in the Bible of Gideon who through the POWER of God fought and won wars for the Israelites and was then worshiped against his instruction otherwise), we too are required to succeed PURPOSE by recognizing and expounding on the POWER that is within SELF.
It’s quite interesting to think, that all of those who have succeeded PURPOSE have been interpreted as God or gods and they have been worshiped for years. Not to negate the POWER or being of the existence of any of the above mentioned (Buddha, Jesus...) these are those that allowed for the POWER of God to operate from within-throughout leaving a legacy for a people. They all chose a path of PURPOSE. They all sought the plan of GOD. Thereby, placing them as POWERFUL, PECULIAR, LOVING, SELFLESS, INTELLIGENT, FEARLESS, and TENACIOUS, SPIRITUAL-BEINGS to be patterned, not worshiped.
It’s God’s plan, God’s direction, God’s predestined plan for our life that we all seek.
To recognize and acknowledge the existence of those before us is to recognize who we are today. It is to recognize the POWER that you too possess. The POWER to change, the POWER to LOVE, the POWER to impact the world around you!
Copyright 2009 by Princess-O`dilia
Published by Relijournal
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Live Blog! Spirituality (Relationship) or Religion
Most religious people see God through the boundaries of the Religion because that's how they learned of God. Consequently, to be conformed as it relates to most religions, it's merely impossible to be free to follow your Spirit. Unfortunately, as a result of the religious doctrine the Spirit of God-the Holy Spirit in you that wishes to operate through you, many are likely to disobey. Although this may not be the intent, this is the reality. Often times, the religious feel that as long as their in accordance with the religious boundaries and doctrine, doing as the Pastor or Leader instructs, that their in right gear for their life or in right standing with God. That's not exactly the case. God, the Father of Love, the Father of Peace, the Father of Power (the Higher Power), the Omnipotent, is not restricted and definitely not devised, such as Religion. God is not that complicated, really....God isn't.
Hint: God's way is not man's way and often times God's direction for "you" is only clear to "you" when you are on the intangible journey to TOTAL fulfillment. As you begin to lean more on God, you will come to trust your Spirit more and you will see the fruit of your obedience to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Think for a moment, although contrary to what many may believe: Jesus was created (born) to live as an example for us. Jesus completed His mission here because He was "completely" inspired by the Holy Spirit! Again, He was "completely" inspired by the Holy Spirit! He walked on water, knew all things, did the impossible, the out-the-box, and lived and died the way He did, due to the inspiration of the "Holy Spirit". He operated in the power of God - what do you think you must do?
If you are bound by Religion or the traditional processes of man, there is no way you can possibly reach the point of TOTAL fulfillment in your life that God pre-planned for you....it is impossible! Regardless of what foundation you have to God, you should be free to operate in Spirit and in Truth.
When I began writing "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was slightly religious. When I completed "Pregnant in the Spirit" I was totally free from Religion and I had an exceptional relationship with God that I never could have imagined! What happened? What did God have to say as He used my mind, separated me from the world and completely inspired me to write about this profound process called spiritual pregnancy?
Through me, God gives a profound insight of this intangible journey - process from Conception to Manifestation, attainable without religion, condemnation, bondages or the traditional process of man. This process that everyone desires rather knowingly or not yields a life of peace, freedom inside and out, love, TOTAL fulfillment in every area of your life and 100% confidence about your direction and its outcome.
God desires for you to be spiritually in-sink with Him so that He can give you a life of fulfillment by sharing His infinite power, revelation, knowledge, wisdom, peace, love and most importantly giving you freedom for your life. As a result of this process, you become the spiritual being with infinite ability and you conquer the world, including life's obstacles through the inspiration of Spirit!
I love you all!!
Pregnant in the Spirit is Available Nationwide and on backorder! Order your copy today on-line at: www.brealpublishing.com, www.amazon.com, www.borders.com, www.stl-distribution.com, www.barnesandnoble.com.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Freedom? Are you really free to birth your life of Purpose?
Freedom...Are you really free? To accomplish the process of spiritual pregnancy you must first be Spiritually FREE! Without this freedom, it is merely impossible to attain this life of TOTAL fulfillment that all seek! To experience the profound expression of love is also to accomplishment the process of spiritual pregnancy. Only possible if you're FREE to be inspired and guided by God's Spirit within you! You must be willing and FREE to take God out-of-the-box!!! What does this mean? Do you think that you already know God? Ok....Are you TOTALLY fulfilled? If not, you more than likely have God-in-a-box! Tune in to receive clarity, understanding, peace and confidence of your life's direction and outcome through Spiritual Freedom!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Live Blog! "Don't Let JEALOUSY drive your zeal...your hunger...your drive to PURPOSE!"
According to Merriam-Webster on-line, “Jealousy” is defined: 1 a: intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness b: disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness 2: hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage.
As discussed in Pregnant in the Spirit (Chapter 6), if you show any signs of a root spiritual infection (e.g. cold), ultimately you have all of the infections that are associated with the root (e.g. runny nose, runny eyes, sneezing, coughing, body aches, etc.). This concept is no different when it comes to understanding where things are derived in the intangible process of spiritual pregnancy as it relates to spiritual infections.
Jealousy is a root spiritual infection that bares many other infections on its tree. For example: envy, hatred, murder, extreme competition and other infections that are very treacherous to your elevation to the life of PURPOSE - TOTAL FULFILLMENT that was predestined for you!
Per our example, if you show a sign of one infection, you are infected with all infections that are associated with that root infection! Therefore, you also possess hatred somewhere in your heart whether you realize it or not (just to point out one infection). Hmmm.... where does that leave you in your faith and your progress? The main attribute necessary for TOTAL fulfillment is love, which is the voucher for your Faith (Chapter 5) and is the root of God, the source to the Purpose that you seek!
If you are doing as God has predestined for you, what place does jealousy have? Why are you trying to out-do someone else? Why are you looking and comparing their plan and direction to yours? You can’t see nor hear God for looking at those around you. Stay focused on God's direction and plan for your life and you will lose interest in what someone else is doing.
In summary, Stay focused on your plan and birth of your Purpose! Be happy for others! Walk in love! Remember this: You may or may not become a millionaire or billionaire, but if you stay focused on God's direction and plan for your life, you will birth a life of joy, peace, happiness, self empowerment, spiritual freedom, love, and will have the tools to help others to do the same!
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