Today on Quiet No More (, I continued the topic, "How to hear from God regarding His purpose for you!" The show was AWESOME, as the Holy Spirit led me to minister this word.
Many are experiencing spiritual pregnancy. In this pregnancy, you are required to rely on the voice of the Lord (the Holy Spirit) for your instruction through this process. The enemy is aware of this necessity; therefore, he will try to confuse you, have you questioning your ability, scared to make a move for fear you'll make the wrong move, and in so many other ways he'll attack your confidence-your faith in God's promise to you. How many of you know that God is NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION (I Corinthians 14:33)?! Read this quote from my latest book, "Pregnant in the Spirit",
"Due to the necessity for you to rely completely on the Holy Spirit during this walk (the “voice” of the Lord), the enemy will try to attack your mind with confusion, as well as doubt, fear, and unbelief. The devil will place doubts in your mind regarding your intellect and your ability, etc. However, you let the devil know that, it’s not by your might, but by God’s might that you operate (Zachariah 4:6)! You let the enemy know that you are completely controlled by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:4-5, Galations 5:16) and God is your strength (Psalms 18:32; 27:1; 28:7). Let him know that God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33).
The American Heritage Dictionary defines confuse (the root of confusion) as: 1) To cause to be unable to think with clarity, or act with intelligence or understanding…2c) To assemble without order or sense; jumble. Ok, being that our Father God is all knowing, omnipotent, and with all power, confusion is contrary to who God is. God is not ignorant, short of intellect, understanding or clarity, unorganized or jumbled. Therefore, considering that you are operating under the power of the Holy Spirit (His power, His knowing, His guidance, His might), confusion has no place in your mind! The enemy has NO POWER! Glory to God!
Pray this prayer:
I take authority as God has given me in Mathew 18:18, that whatsoever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Satan, according to Mathew 18:18, I bind you and your worker, confusion up in the name of Jesus! According to Mathew 18:18, I loose the spirit of God in me NOW according to Jeremiah 51:15! In the Name of Jesus, I cast the spirit of confusion into the abyss NOW!
Now praise God for giving you the attributes of the Holy Spirit! Worship God for He is all power, all knowing and He is an Awesome God!"
Unlike natural pregnancy, spiritual pregnancy is intangible. Therefore, we are completely dependant upon guidance in the spirit realm. Only God knows the next move. If Satan can confuse you by the voice that you hear, he can ultimately cause you to question what you "believe" God has promised (God's Purpose) to come forth in your life. For example, if you believed strongly that God told you something to do, but you later find out it wasn't God, it was Satan, you can really get discouraged. Too many times of this happening, you may just decide to abort the "God's Purpose" in your life (spiritual pregnancy abortion). That's Satan's objective! Can we say, "Through Christ, I am more than a conquer (Romans 8:37)?!" I love the Translation Version of John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]. Glory to God!!
To minimize the ability for Satan to defeat you in this area, is to take the example that Jesus left for us in Mathew 4:2. From this example, we know that we must prep ourselves by abiding in God: His presence, His worship, His authority, His written Word!
Jesus was led to the wilderness by the "Holy Spirit" to be tempted by the enemy (Mathew 4:3-11). I need you to not overlook that according to the Word of God, prior to this temptation, Jesus had consecrated for 40 days and 40 nights. Therefore, He had abided in the Lord for 40 days and 40 nights - Glory to God! This also made Jesus sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. However, the enemy came to Him with temptation of what Jesus already knew He was and was capable of through the authority of God (Mathew 4:3, 5-6, 8-9; Luke 4:1). Additionally, the enemy came with the Word of God (Mathew 4:6). Jesus, however, knew that this was not the voice of the Lord, but it was the voice of the enemy! How do you think He knew this? He was consecrated; thereby, prepared for such an attack from the enemy!
Let's not get it twisted, you must abide in the Lord so that you can be prepared for the enemies' attack - the "seducing spirit" that Satan will present to confuse you in your mind or in the physical. Beware! Everybody that is speaking the Word of God is not of God! You may even be presented with what you know God has promised you. You must yet seek the Holy Spirit for assurance that it's Him speaking or presenting to you. We must be careful that we do not fall prey to this seducing spirit (I Timothy 4:1)! If you are not consecrated; however, you are very likely to fall prey!
3 keys to establish a more sensitive spirit to the Holy Spirit (the voice of God):
- Pray always in the Spirit (This is a crucial key on the battlefield)
- Spend time in the word of God daily
- Spend time talking to God (the Holy Spirit) daily
Tune in right now to hear Part 2 of: "How to hear from God regarding His purpose for you!"
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
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